In a devastating incident on Wednesday night, the Hwrra community in the Kwall district of Irigwe Chiefdom, Bassa local government area, Plateau State, witnessed...
A point-of-sale (POS) operator, Alfa Rafiu, has been arrested after mistakenly receiving N280 million into his account and going on a spending spree.
Rafiu, who...
The Ondo State Police Command has announced the arrest of Yusuf Adenoyin, who was allegedly found in possession of eight dry human skulls.
According to...
The Kano State Police Command has identified 13 individuals as the primary instigators behind the recent rise in thuggery activities in parts of Kano...
The Nigerian Army, on Monday, confirmed the immediate reopening of the popular Abuja Banex Plaza following an understanding between the authorities, plaza management and...