The Imo state Commissioner of Police, Abutu Yaro, has announced that combined operatives of the command’s Tactical Units, Intelligence Response Team, and Police Mobile...
The Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC), Kwara Command, has arrested a 60-year-old man, Jerimiah Oyedoki of Ileloja compound, Kiama, for allegedly having...
The Kaduna State Government on Friday said bandits allegedly killed eight persons in Giwa, Chikun, Igabi, and Sabon Gari Local Government Areas of the...
The Nigerian Army has commenced investigation into the alleged murder and extortion of a woman in Yankara Village, Katsina state, by its personnel.
She was...
The Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC) in Jigawa, on Tuesday, said it arrested two suspected drug peddlers in the Babura Local Government...